Facial Volume Restoration

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Facial Volume Restoration London

We all get older- that’s a fact of life. But while we may not be able to stop the oncoming years, we can minimise their impact on our appearance. At the London FAMI clinic we specialise in facial volume restoration treatments that make you look as young as you feel.

Say goodbye to the following by-products of facial aging:

  • Deep grooves and wrinkles
  • Smile and frown lines
  • Marionette lines
  • Vertical lines in the lip area
  • Hollow cheeks and temples
  • Reduced volume in the lips

The FAMI technique, pioneered and patented by Dr Amar, restores lost volume to your face without using artificial fillers or surgical techniques. Using fat and stem cells taken from your own body, our revolutionary treatment delivers the following benefits:

  • Improved volume and muscle tone in the face
  • Improved facial contours thanks to added volume
  • Brighter and more vibrant complexion

The FAMI procedure is different from other fat transfer procedures in that it takes your face’s vascular structure into account while using your own fat tissue and stem cells to restore the lost volume. When required, it can be used in combination with regular cosmetic surgery to correct thin faces and sagging necks.

Am I a suitable candidate for a facial volume restoration treatment?

If you are in a good state of physical and psychological health and have realistic expectations about the outcome of your treatment, you are a good candidate for facial volume restoration. Most of our patients either want a younger, fresher appearance via non-surgical methods or are seeking to improve the results of an earlier facelift.

What is the facial volume restoration treatment procedure?

All facial volume restoration treatments are carried out at our London clinic on an outpatient basis. There are no scalpels or deep incisions involved: using a specially designed cannula that follows the bone structure of your face, Dr Amar injects your own purified fat and stem cells into the affected areas, rejuvenating your face with restored volume. Creases fill and lines smooth out, taking years off of your appearance.

The results of your treatment are permanent because we use your natural tissue instead of artificial fillers that your body could reject, and the injections are made directly into the facial muscles, thereby enhancing graft retention. Because the procedure is non-invasive, there are no scars to conceal and the results appear vibrant but natural.

Are there any possible complications associated with a facial volume restoration?

Complications are minimal compared to traditional surgical treatments. You may experience some bruising and swelling around the injection areas, but both conditions are short-lived, and there’s no recuperation period: you may leave the clinic right after treatment. Because stem cells and fat tissues from your own body are used, there is no risk of an allergic reaction.

If you would like to know more about the facial volume restoration treatments we offer in London, contact our clinic and schedule a free consultation. The road to a youthful appearance has never been so easy and natural.

testimony from Spain

 Dear Dr Amar, I don\'t think a handful of ...

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 I started realizing how tired, sad and pale I looked. A number of sudden life changes, includin...

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All our procedures are carried out in luxurious clinics, offering the
highest standard of patient care, in central London and Marbella.