An elegant neck has long been a coveted feature thanks to such timeless beauties as Audrey Hepburn and Elizabeth Taylor, so it’s no surprise that more and more women are turning to anti-ageing neck procedures. In fact, according to a survey in 2013 face and neck cosmetic procedures were the third most popular amongst men and women in the UK after breast augmentation and eyelid surgery. The neck ages in the same way as the face so during the late 30s and early 40s you may notice that the area begins to sag, and fine lines and uneven texture appear.

Whereas previously women may have had a neck-lift as part of a facelift procedure, now that non-surgical procedures such as Botox, dermal fillers and tightening lasers have become so popular to keep the face looking youthful and rejuvenated, it may be that women are having stand-alone neck procedures to keep up with the face.

A traditional surgical neck lift involves incisions around the ears, the surgical excision of loose skin and tightening and suturing the skin into an elevated position. At the London FAMI Clinic, founder Dr Roger Amar is the pioneer of the ‘Pinch Neck Lift‘ – a revolutionary surgical procedure which rejuvenates the neck and jawline by tightening the underlying muscle, rather than just dealing with the outward effects of the issue as with a standard neck lift.

Whereas a standard neck lift involves several weeks of down time, the ‘Pinch Neck Lift‘ procedure is performed under local anaesthetic as a day case, so you’re able to return home on the day of surgery and results can be seen within two weeks of the surgery!

For more information on this anti-ageing neck-lift, call our friendly team on 0800 612 7475 or email us at