Pinch Neck Lift Surgeon

Call Now: 0800 612 7475

As we age, gravity causes the skin on the lower part of the face to sag, causing blurring of the jawline, the appearance of a double chin and laxity on the neck.

Highly respected and experienced cosmetic surgeon Dr Roger Amar has been performing neck lift and facial rejuvenation surgery for many years, but as his understanding of the ageing process has developed he has constantly innovated new techniques and procedures that tackle the root cause of ageing.

His extensive anatomical knowledge led to precise identification of the platysma muscle in the neck and, with simple microsurgery, he is able to perform a retraction of this muscle, lifting the whole area.

Quick guide

  • Anaesthetic: local anaesthetic with sedation
  • Time of intervention: 2 hours
  • Time in hospital: no overnight stay
  • Problems: importance of good blood tests and normal ECG to prevent any problems
  • Swelling:  5 to 15 days edema
  • Recuperation: 2 days downtime, 1 week without working activity, after 3 weeks the patient can resume his or her social activities
  • Final result: after 45 days the final success of this surgery can be evaluated

Am I suitable for the Pinch Neck Lift procedure?

Good candidates for a Pinch Neck Lift procedure are those that have a degree of muscle laxity in the neck area. If there is some excess skin or fat then this can also be excised during the same procedure.

What can I expect during my Pinch Neck Lift procedure?

First, Dr Amar cuts a U-shaped incision – no more than 5 cm – around the earlobe, through which he can stretch the platysma muscle to restore lost tension. At this stage, if necessary, a small amount of excess skin can be removed if necessary. A double chin can also be tackled during the same precision by making a tiny incision just underneath the chin to release the platysma muscle.

The procedure is performed in the clinic, under local anaesthetic with sedation. This is minimally invasive surgery so the patient can return home, fully recovered, the same day.

Are there any possible complications associated with the Pinch Neck Lift?

The Pinch Neck Lift is a surgical procedure so there are all the possible complications associated with surgery, such as infection, bleeding, swelling and the healing of the incision. However, this is microsurgery, with a small incision and very little damage to the tissues, so side effects are rare and any downtime is minimal.

Dr Amar believes that the majority of ageing problems associated with the lower face and the upper neck area can be solved with the Pinch Neck Lift.

For more information on the Pinch Neck Lift or any of the cosmetic surgery procedures we offer at London FAMI Clinic, call 0800 612 7475 to book a consultation.

Neck Lift Surgeon

 As we age, gravity causes the skin on the lower part of the face to sag, causing blurring of the jawline, the appeara...

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highest standard of patient care, in central London and Marbella.