My procedure took 3 hours. During which time I was sedated to the point where I was still aware, It was painless and I was allowed home after a few hours. The incisions were. a u shape in front of my ears to behind the ear lobes.

Dr Amar spoke with me every day for the first two weeks. The day after the procedure I had a very painful right side by my ear. I went back to see him but it was nothing, dressings were replaced and I was given a prescription for antibiotics. The following Friday Dr.Amar rang and I went to see him and he removed the dressings. On the Monday following the front stitches were removed by a nurse. This was relatively painless. On the Friday the remaining stitches behind my ears were removed. This was quite painful.

I must admit to feeling really poorly for probably 3 weeks after the procedure. Although I was still able to carry out my daily tasks. The scars have healed and are almost invisible now. I have a small nodule behind each ear where the skin was removed.

I cannot speak highly enough of Dr Amar the care he gave me was exceptional. I advise anyone considering the procedure to see him first.