Non Surgical Facelift London

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Guide to finding the Non-surgical cosmetic treatment for you

If you are reading this article then you have already started the process of considering ways of improving your appearance, but where to begin? There are so many treatments or procedures claiming to be the solution to your aging worries and concerns, from fillers, Botox to face-lifts or non-surgical quick fixes. With so many options to choose from it can be a daunting task finding the right treatment /procedure to suit your needs and enable you to achieve the results you are looking for. Here is everything you need to know to make the right choice for you.

Non-surgical face lift: Botox

What is Botox?

Botulinum toxin, is a natural, purified protein that is used to temporarily relax facial muscles that cause lines and wrinkles. It is the result of many decades of studies and has been used extensively in medicine. It is the safest product, and it is certified in the medical and cosmetic field.

Would this treatment suit me?

This treatment can be used on a wide range of patients, botulinum toxin is injected into muscles and is primarily used for skin rejuvenation and the reduction of fine lines and wrinkles in the upper face as a non-surgical face lift. (Frontal, Orbital Nasal and cheek region).

What are the results of Botox & long does it last?

The treatment is used to soften the lines caused by conscient and inconscient facial expression and can be adjusted to ensure natural results. The duration of results is variable in between individuals but ranges from three to six months.

Non-surgical facelift with Fillers

What are fillers?

With aging the natural collagen and elastin in the skin lessens, this can often make the skin appear dryer, thinner and less youthful and radiant. Dermal fillers can enhance a person’s appearance, removing wrinkles and adding volume with immediate results.
You can also treat your lips with lip fillers to add extra volume to the white roll.

Would this treatment suit me?

Dermal Fillers can be used on a wide range of patients, mainly for purpose of rejuvenation and enhancement but can also be used for other non-cosmetic issues such as scarring and acne scars as they are able to reduce the appearance of certain types of scars while improving the texture of your skin.

What are the results of Filler & long does it last?

Facial fillers will help you achieve younger looking skin and provide small volume and removes wrinkles as a non-surgical face lifting. Treatment lasts between 18-24 months (top ups are sometimes required towards end of treatment)


Non-surgical face-lift with FAMI or Scarless rejuvenation

What is FAMI?

FAMI is a non-surgical facial rejuvenation and repair technique developed by Dr. Roger Amar in the 90’s. FAMI is a non-invasive anti-aging alternative to traditional face-lift and a longer lasting alternative to temporary injectable treatments Botox & dermal fillers. FAMI uses the patient’s own stem and fat cells which are then injected deep under the dermis, placed in the muscular structure of the face. FAMI has a number of benefits and causes no allergic reaction as it is your own cells being reinjected.

Would this treatment suit me?

FAMI is suitable for a wide range of patients varying from ages 20’s to 80’s. Patients looking for an organic solution for aging, volume loss gaunt or drawn faces and rejuvenation would benefit from the FAMI procedure.

What are the results of FAMI & long does it last?

FAMI restores, rejuvenates and corrects enabling the redevelopment of lost bone and muscular tissue as well as improving quality of the skin without going under the knife. FAMI is a one-time procedure and does not require top ups. FAMI results are very natural and long lasting non-surgical face lift, more so than traditional surgeries.

Non-surgical Blepharoplasty: the Bleph21

What is Bleph21?

The Bleph21 procedure is suited for people who are seeing ageing changes to the lower eyelid area related to volume loss in the eye and cheek area. Dr Roger Amar uses the patient’s own stem cells to treat as well the tear trough and the temporal hollowing and has a blepharoplasty effect by restoring the ethnic natural shape, without a scalpel.
Bleph21 is a minimally invasive procedure that can treat eyelids without surgery, depending on your personal case.

Would this treatment suit me?

Bleph21 is a minimally invasive procedure that can treat volume lost underneath the eyes and cheeks without surgery, depending on your personal case.

What are the results of Bleph21 & long does it last?

The Bleph21 procedure will restore your hollow tired eyes restoring volume loss and rejuvenation. The results are and long lasting (years), more so than traditional surgeries.


Renowned plastic surgeon Dr Roger Amar specializes in all less invasive treatments and procedures mentioned for further advice or more information on any of the cosmetic surgery procedures we offer at London FAMI Clinic, call +44 20 36 54 8797 to book a consultation.


Non Surgical Facelift

Facial surgery to deal with ageing concerns has been performed for many years; the first recorded instances of the facelift date from the beginning of the twentieth century. Surgical technique improved greatly as a result of the damage and destruction caused during the two world wars and in the 1970s a surgeon developed the SMAS technique which tightened underlying muscle structure as well as loose overlying skin.

Natural Facelift UK

In recent years, we have seen the rise of procedures variously dubbed the non surgical facelift or natural facelift. However, there is much confusion about what exactly is a non-surgical facelift.

Aesthetic treatments only

The growth of aesthetic medicine as a lucrative business coupled with the results now achievable with cosmetic treatments, such as dermal fillers and wrinkle relaxing injections, has led cosmetic doctors to try and muscle into the surgical field by offering Non Surgical Facelift London based on a combination of procedures.

Dermal fillers to provide volume, Botox to smooth away dynamic wrinkles and skin rejuvenation treatments to restore a more radiant skin tone; these are all certainly have their place, but patient selection is incredibly important to ensure your expectations are realised. Older patients with more serious ageing related problems may find the results are not worth the still considerable investment.

Also the results are only temporary; depending on placement and product, temporary dermal fillers will need a repeat treatment approximately nine months later and Botox lasts even less time.

The true non-surgical facelift

Dr Roger Amar, a French plastic surgeon, developed the FAMI technique as a solution to many of the reservations he had about facial plastic surgery and its effectiveness. He believes that the surgical facelift did not address many of the changes that occur to the face as you age and often patients were left with a ‘harder’ look rather than the soft, plump contours of youth.

FAMI stands for Facial Autologous Muscular Injection. During the procedure, adult stem cells are taken from a donor site elsewhere on the body, refined and then re-injected into the muscle layer of the face, without the need for any incisions.

It differs from other fat transplant techniques because the facial vascular paths are taken into account and the cells are placed at a depth where bone and muscle tissue can also start to regenerate to provide the structure and support of the face.

FAMI is also an effective treatment for those who have previously undergone a facelift. This patient had been left with a tight, hard expression to the face and FAMI was able to soften the facial features.

The results are of much greater longevity than other fat transplant techniques and temporary dermal fillers because natural tissue is used and placed in such a way that the grafts are retained.

Testimony from Laura

 Testimony 1- I am thrilled to contribute my experience with Dr. Amar, Sylvia and the FAMI techn...

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Testimony from C.C.

 Last year I attended the Amar Clinic in Marbella for a stem cell procedure, having seen Dr Amar...

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All our procedures are carried out in luxurious clinics, offering the
highest standard of patient care, in central London and Marbella.